# Import linear_model from sklearn. import sklearn.linear_model as lm # Create a linear regression model instance. m = lm.LinearRegression() # Let's use pandas to read a csv file and organise our data. import pandas as pd # Read the iris csv from online. df = pd.read_csv('https://datahub.io/machine-learning/iris/r/iris.csv') # Let's pretend we want to do linear regression on these variables to predict petal width. x = df[['sepallength', 'sepalwidth', 'petallength']] # Here's petal width. y = df['petalwidth'] # Ask our model to fit the data. m.fit(x, y) # Here's our intercept. print(' intercept: ',m.intercept_) # Here's our coefficients, in order. print('coefficients: ',m.coef_) # See how good our fit is. print(' score: ',m.score(x, y))